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York County Human Services

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Join the Take It Offline Campaign 
Resources Below!


Social Media Campaign: Take It Offline 

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This campaign aims to bridge the communication gap between adults and young people by encouraging open conversations offline. By creating spaces for support and trust, adults can empower young people to navigate mental health challenges without shame or feelings of isolation. 


Join us by sharing the campaign PSA Video with your community and followers below - and encourage others to Take It Offline with the young people in their world. 

PSA Video - Help Us Share

Young People Are Searching for Mental Health Support.
Help Them Take It Offline. 

Why Take it Offline?

We know young people are increasingly turning to the internet and social media for answers.


As digital natives, “online” and “offline” are equally integral elements of their social connection. 


They use the internet to search for everything: what to wear and buy; what to watch and listen to; and even to find answers for navigating the challenges of adolescence. That means they’re also looking for validation as they face the increasing mental health struggles and pressures of being a young person in today’s ever-changing world. 


And while social media and the internet can be powerful tools for finding shared experiences - especially for young people who are marginalized including LGBTQIA+ youth, young people of color, etc. - being constantly plugged in online can also pose risks to mental health. 


Though social media is not inherently harmful to young people, it can be the venue where young people encounter feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.


  • In their health advisory on social media use in adolescence, the APA shares that research demonstrates that adolescents’ exposure to online discrimination and hate predicts increases in anxiety and depressive symptoms. 

  • And the American Psychological Association (APA) also reports that social media use has been linked to increased levels of anxiety, depression, loneliness, and poor sleep quality in young people. 


Rather than limiting young people’s access to shared experiences, or attempting to limit their innate behavior to seek answers and support online, adults and caregivers can instead take a cue from what we know young people are searching for and about - and create a safe space to extend those curiosities and conversations into the real-world. 


Today more than ever, it's crucial for adults to step in and offer real-world support to young people to supplement the support they are seeking online. 

Conversation Starters for Adults

Start by expressing your intention to have an open and honest conversation about mental health and wellbeing. It's essential to create a safe, non-judgmental space where the young person feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings.


1. Initiating the Conversation:

  • For Parents: "I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time online. I'm here if you ever want to talk about anything you see or feel, whether it's good or bad."

  • For Teachers: "In class, we often focus on academic achievements, but I want you to know that your mental health is just as important. If there's anything on your mind, I'm here to listen."

  • For Caregivers: "As someone who cares about you, I want to make sure you know that I'm here for you, especially if you're feeling down or overwhelmed by anything, online or offline."


2. Discussing Online Experiences:

  • "What are some things you like about spending time online? Are there things that worry or upset you?"

  • "Have you ever come across anything online that made you feel uncomfortable or unsure about who to talk to?"


3. Addressing Mental Health:

  • "It's okay to feel not okay sometimes. Do you ever feel that what you see online affects how you feel about yourself or the world around you?"

  • "Mental health is something we all have to look after, just like our physical health. What are some ways you take care of your mental health?"


4. Encouraging Real-World Connections:

  • "Who are the people you feel you can talk to when you're feeling down or have questions about growing up?"

  • "Apart from the internet, what are some activities or hobbies that make you feel good or help you relax?"


5. Offering Support:

  • "Remember, it's perfectly fine to seek help from trusted adults, friends, or professionals when things get tough."

  • "How can I support you better? Are there topics you wish we could talk about more openly?"


6. Concluding the Conversation:

  • "I'm proud of you for having this conversation with me. Remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what."

  • "Let's keep this dialogue open. You can always come to me if you need to talk, seek advice, or just share how your day went."


Additional Tips:

  • Listen more than you speak. Give the young person space to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

  • Avoid dismissing or trivializing their experiences. Validate their feelings and show empathy.

  • Provide resources and information about where they can seek professional help if needed.

  • Follow up on the conversation. Let them know that your support is ongoing and that they are not alone.

York Lights Up Green

Shine a Light On Mental Health - Green Light Campaign

Mental Health Resources

Curated from the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Visit or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


  • Center for Young Women’s Health and Young Men’s Health: These websites provide information targeted at parents of adolescents, including guides on how to support children suffering from depression and eating disorders. and

  • Children’s Mental Health Ontario: This website offers brochures for parents in a variety of languages on common mental health disorders affecting youth.

  • Headspace: This website from Australia has a wealth of resources and videos for parents and caregivers of young adults age 12-25 years who have mental health concerns.

  • HealthlyChildren.Org: Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics, this website provides a wide-range of resources for parents of teens and young adults.

  • Jed Foundation: Promoting emotional health and prevent suicide among college students, this website provides resources, including Transition Year, that are designed to help parents recognize the signs of a mental health problems and  help their child’s transition to college.

  • Kelty Mental Health Resource Center: Numerous resources for parents and caregivers can be found at this website including a resource library and family toolkit.  

  • National Institute of Mental Health: Working to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses, NIMA’s website provides guides and brochures directed at parents.

  • Teen Health: This website helps parents care for their child’s ups and downs, from dealing with divorce to preparing for new siblings. Also provides information on how to understand your child’s behavior, whether it’s toddler tantrums or teenage depression.

  • Teen Mental Health: Geared towards teenagers, this website provides learning tools on a variety of mental illnesses, videos, and resources for parents and caregivers. 


  • Balanced Mind Parent Network: This network guides families raising children and teens with mood disorders to the answers, support, and stability they seek.

  • Children and Adults with ADHD: CHADD provides education, advocacy, and support for those affected by ADHD, including resources for parents and caregivers.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness: By providing resources for family members/caregivers, this website helps parents care for children with mental illness, care for themselves, prepare for a crisis, and prevent suicide.

  • National Eating Disorder Association: NEDA offers resources to find help and support through their Parent, Family, and Friends Network.

  • National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health: This organization focuses on the issues of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs and their families.

  • What Works 4 U: By sharing information and learning from others on what treatments are working for them, parents are able to help improve mental health treatment for their children.


  • Parent’s Guide to Getting Good Care: Parents are taken through the steps in finding the best professional for their child, and the most appropriate treatment. Available from Child Mind Institute at

  • Parents Medication Guides for ADHD, Bipolar, and Depression: These three parent medication guides are available to help parents learn about effective treatments for children and adolescents with various mental health disorders. Available from the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at




  • Center for Young Women’s Health and Young Men’s Health: These websites provides a series of guides on emotional health, including on test anxiety, depression, bullying, and eating disorders. and

  • Go Ask Alice!: Geared at young adults, this question and answer website contains a large database of questions about a variety of concerns surrounding emotional health.

  • Girls Health.Gov: The "Your Feelings" section of this website offers guidance to teenage girls on recognizing a mental health problem, getting help, and talking to parents.

  • Jed Foundation: Promoting emotional health and prevent suicide among college students, this website provides an online resource center, ULifeline, a public dialogue forum, Half of Us, and Transition Year, resources and tools to help students transition to college.

  • Kelty Mental Health Resource Center: Reference sheets are provided that list top websites, books, videos, toolkits and support for mental health disorders.

  • Reach Out: This website provides information on specific mental health disorders, as well as resources to help teens make safe plans when feeling suicidal, and helpful tips on how to relax.

  • Teens Health: Providing a safe place for teens who need honest and accurate information, this website provides resources on mental health issues.

  • Teen Mental Health: Geared towards teenagers, this website provides learning tools on a variety of mental illnesses, videos, and resources for friends.


The York County Human Services website is being updated. Click the link below to access information for:

  • Area Agency on Aging

  • Children Youth & Families

  • Drug & Alcohol Commission

  • HealthChoices Management Unit

  • Mental Health-Individual Developmental Disabilities

  • Youth Development Center

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